Sunday, July 4, 2010

Yes...- We have a plumber now :) along with electrical, A/C, inverter and fridge ..

So, what's happening at Fix-All ?

We have noticed this .. Just as people acquire different names/nick names, Fix-All seems to be getting different names as well. Fix-It-All, Fix-It :) understandable :) but we know that our christened name will become popular as people get to know us better and we deliver superior service :)

We are getting one feedback for sure, Our website need BIG improvement :) its barely functional :) So, we are working on that. It's been just over a month and a half. We are now convinced that our customers are receptive to the idea of professional home improvement services and that we can consistently deliver them. Our technicians now have rate cards that will explain how we are pricing the services, removing any scope for ambiguity.

Last week was special :) "It's a plumber" :) yes, that is what we have been waiting for (touch-wood) :) ...getting a reliable plumber on our rolls. And what business it has been for him :) One of the most important links in our umbrella seems to be firming up well. Last week was one of the top grossing weeks, thanks to our plumber. 3 customers last week used up 3 out of 5 services - A/C, electrical, and inverter and that too on big projects on home renovation. Clear boost to our repeat customer list. Now, our portfolio of services seem to be taking shape, with Electrical, plumbing, A/C, fridge, inverter and laptop hardware services, all under one brand. As a company, we want to serve any and every need inside our customer's home.

We have also signed up with an international computer hardware vendor to offer refurbished computers to our customers. Why computers ? It comes from our personal experience. We got our laptop drenched in the sudden rain that chennai is experiencing these days. Our laptop's display went for a toss. We went to the "official vendor" and he quoted Rs. 16,000 for changing the display. That was atrocious, we thought. We did some research and found out that there were reliable vendors, who could do this for Rs 6,000 with warranty. Around 60% savings, with assured quality of service... Clearly a distinct value proposition for our Fix-All customers. We worked the back end and are almost ready to officially launch this service to our customers. Once this is ready, we plan to pick up laptops for servicing, fix them and deliver at our customer's doorstep... seamless service.

So, hope you all are having a great weekend. We look forward to your continued patronage.


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